Hosted by the National Tribal Land Association & Indian Land Tenure Foundation
April 2-4, 2024
Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas
Titled: “Planning and Community Involvement in the Digital Age”
Presented by: Amy Wilson, Founder & Principal Consultant, SEE Renewal
Amy Wilson, SEE Renewal’s Founder & Principal Consultant, was invited by National Tribal Land Association and Indian Land Tenure Foundation to speak at the 13th Annual Tribal Land Staff National Conference. The session was designed to encourage attendees to reflect on how the digital age affects their individual communities. Amy presented on topics related to culture, education, business, economy, social services, health care, transportation, and government in the digital age and then discussed ways to incorporate such topics into plans, policy, and community activities so that tribal and federal funds, business opportunities, and technology can be maximized. For the remainder of the session, Amy led a hands-on group activity where attendees were asked to discuss the effects of the digital age on their community and what their community is doing to utilize technology in a positive way through planning and community involvement. Participants shared what they can do in their roles as tribal land staff and tribal leaders to maximize the benefits of the digital age for their communities and mitigate negative effects.
Visit the National Tribal Land Association to learn more about past conferences.